A platform for positive expansion

King Coronavirus

King Coronavirus Image

Written by guest writer Tom Driscoll, aka my 7-year-old son

I wrote this letter to King Coronavirus because in school I had read Malala’s Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai. When Malala was a child, she wished for a magic pencil, so that if she drew or wrote something it would become the truth. She wished for a better life without war. I wish for the coronavirus to stop.

If I had a magic pencil, I would write a letter to King Coronavirus saying:

Dear King Coronavirus,

I don’t want to disappoint you, but please, pretty please can you stop making your army and your normal viruses invading the humans with their nasty diseases. Can you please stop doing this because there are 1,434,426 people who are tested. There have been 301,768 people who have recovered and 82,220 people who have died. I know that we are big opponents with Covid-19 city but we are dying. Even the English Prime Minister (Boris Johnson) is in hospital. I will give you whatever you want.

Yours sincerely,

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