A platform for positive expansion

Maternal Wellbeing

Motherhood doesn’t do rational. Nor does it respond well to logic. The instinctive drive to raise healthy, independent adult human beings is sewn deep into the human psyche. Yet when we overstretch the fabric of motherhood, we may cause our instinct to wear thin.

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King Coronavirus

Written by guest writer Tom Driscoll, aka my 7-year-old son

I wrote this letter to King Coronavirus because in school I had read Malala’s Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai. When Malala was a child, she wished for a magic pencil, so that if she drew or wrote something it would become the truth. She wished for a better life without war. I wish for the coronavirus to stop.

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Ping Pong

In collaboration with HERE for you for them

Ping and Pong. Send and Receive. Serve and Return. All word pairs that express the beautiful balance between giving and taking.

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Brain Architect

In collaboration with HERE for you for them

Our kids’ earliest experiences play an essential part in the construction of their brain architecture. It is at this stage that the foundation for lifelong physical and mental health is laid down. But what about the architecture of the parents’ brains? Can we still make structural changes or do some rewiring for our own wellbeing?

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Anger Modelling

Here’s what our daughter shared with me during our little chat the other day: But mama, you NEVER get angry!

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Family Portrait


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